Steelhead cometh
Sometimes it can feel like the entire year revolves around this moment. When the nights overcome the days in length, and the heavy rains come, and with them the first big runs of winter steelhead enter their natal rivers and streams. The wait is over at long last.
The Sage X 8120 getting a workout on the Eel River.
An early run buck found my fly to his liking. I was fishing behind my buddy when it grabbed in water that he had already swung through. You just never can tell with these creatures.
First encounter of the season. This fish entered his river during a period of abnormally high swells. You could hear them cracking as they broke off shore. Both of his sides were covered in abrasions from the tumult, and yet despite this he ate a swung fly with reckless abandon not a quarter mile away from the ocean.
Winter light
This is only the beginning. Currently every river up and down the coast is set to approach flood stage. Once they drop in it should be game on.